What type of transportation to the Camp is there?

What type of transportation to the Camp is there?

You can reach the Camp by plane to the Port of Veracruz, or by bus to the city of Xalapa, Veracruz, or in your own car.

We provide transportation service from the Port of Veracruz, and from Xalapa.                                           

Xalapa – México Verde Camp, free transportation at 8:00 a.m.

México Verde Camp – Xalapa, free transportation at 17:30 hours.

Outside these hours, transportation has a cost of $400.00 pesos a one way trip by van, at a minimum of 30 passengers.

Puerto de Veracruz – México Verde Camp – Puerto de Veracruz, at any pre-arranged hour the cost is $1,065 pesos one way trip by van up to 4 passengers. From the 5th passenger on, the price by van is $1,850 pesos one way trip. Maximum 30 passengers.

For this service we have two vans, a 12-seat and an 18 seat.

If you need transportation service you can reserve it with your sales advisor.


Call: +52 (228) 818 0545

Rutas para llegar al Campamento México Verde